How can Call Center Management Software Increase Conversion Rates using Woveon?

Woveon call center management software revolutionize how you manage customers and achieve better sales for clients. We capture into one single customer view the millions of customer conversations and interactions from SMS, phone, emails, chat and social. We know what to say to convert to a high-value sale.

How does Dynamic Analytics it work?

Conversations are tagged with obvious information like the customer’s name and referenced product, but also with less distinct tags such as other conversations with similar topics or the sentiment of the customer. This allows for discovery of hidden customer intelligence beyond normal search criterias. Searches like “Give me a list of all the customers who bought product X in August last year but has never expressed negative sentiment in their communications” become possible.

Agent Analytics

This feature also works beyond the realm of customer communications and extend to the agents themselves. Managers can just as easily find a list of agents who had hit all KPI targets, but had more than 10 compliance red flags this month.

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    Call Center Brochure

    Learn how Woveon call center software solutions can manage the millions of call center conversations using our unique Woveon data warehousing technology – for faster customer response management, intelligent conversations, and customer compliance.

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